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What Does Skin Cancer Look Like Anyway?

You may wonder — is that rough spot on my arm something I should worry about? Here’s a list of descriptions that will help you decide if you should see a dermatologist.

Basal cell carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma

Can look like a waxy or white bump, a scaly patch or an unhealed sore.

Malignant Melanoma

Malignant Melanoma

The most serious and potentially deadly skin cancer. It can appear as a pigmented patch or bump, usually as an irregular mole.

Solar Keratosis

Solar Keratosis

A precancerous condition that looks like a small rough spot on skin.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

This could appear as an unhealed sore, a red nodule or rough bump.

Skin cancer warnings:

unhealed sores, new growths, rough spots, white or waxy bumps

Healthy Delaware

Protecting your skin is one of the things you can do to live a healthier life. Read more at and get started on a healthy future.